Friday, 1 December 2017

Blog Entry 3 C - Creative Fluency

Creativity Fluency 

Image result for creativity fluency

1. Name of Fluency: Creativity Fluency

2. Description of Fluency:  Lee CrockettIan Jukes and Andrew Churches states “Creativity fluency how artistic proficiency adds meaning through design, art, and storytelling. We are all creative people. This means that creativity can be taught and learned like any other skill. It’s a whole brain process that involves both hemispheres working together."

 It is about using an innovative design to add value to the function of a product.

There are 5 Is to Creativity fluency:
·     Identify the desired outcome and criteria.
·     Inspire your creativity with rich sensory information.
·     Interpolate and connect the dots by searching for patterns within the inspiration that align with your desired outcome and criteria from Identify.
·     Imagine is the synthesis of Inspire and Interpolate, uniting in the birth of an idea.
·     Inspect the idea against the original criteria and for feasibility.

3. Skills needed to develop this fluency: 

Creativity fluency can only be developed by a student's creativity, how they think and how well they can form new ideas and formulate different ways to portray a certain topic. An open minded person would develop this fluency faster. You need curiosity and imagination for this fluency.  

Some ideas for practicing fluency with children:
  • Generate many different uses for common items, such as a pencil, a ruler, or a paper towel tube.
  • Generate synonyms for common words or phrases, such as, “Good job.”
  • Generate many different ways to arrange the desks in the classroom (draw pictures).
  • Generate names for a classroom pet, a team, or alternative titles to a book.
  • Generate ideas for a class party.
  • Generate questions about a given topic. This works well at the start of a social studies or science unit.
  • Generate solutions to a reoccurring classroom problem. For example, the noise level is too high during work times, or students are feeling that they are not treated fairly during foursquare games at recess.
  • Generate solutions to a regional or world issue, such as poverty or global warming.
4. Snapshot of  PosterMyWall to enhance the development of this fluency:

PosterMyWall is a site where you can use templates and create posters also you can do a video template. This can allow students or teachers in their assignments. 

5. Related Learning Theory:

Social cognitive theory - originally started as a social learning theory. “Learning occurs in a social context with a dynamic and reciprocal interaction of the person, environment and behavior.” This theory relates to creativity fluency because it encompasses the interactions with the surroundings and behavior, creativity is about artistic thinking and portrayal.  

6. References :

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