Friday, 6 October 2017

Blog Entry 1A : An Effective Global Citizen

  • An Effective Global Citizen 

"At The Global Citizens’ Initiative we say that a “global citizen is someone who identifies with being part of an emerging world community and whose actions contribute to building this community’s values and practices.” " - Kosmos Journal for Global Transformation.

Global Citizenship Video

Characteristics of an effective global citizen :

1. You embrace the responsibilities of being a Global Citizen, you are proud to be a global citizen and live up to that standard. 

2. You always keep an open mind and no matter where you are and what you are doing, you always take other opinions into consideration.

3. You are not afraid to think big; thinking big gets you big opportunities to meet and interact with new people and learn new things.

4. You work well with others, most global citizens are very friendly and tend to work well with others easily because they interact often and being kind to others just comes naturally. 

5. You are not one to follow the norm. As a global citizen you tend to do things you like rather than go with what everyone else is doing or what is trending.  

Characteristics of an Effective Global Citizen

  • An Effective Online Learner 

An Online Learner is one who studies and does all assignments online.

Characteristics of an Effective Online Learner:

1.Most online learners are motivated.Some online learners are inquisitive by nature and are motivated strictly by their own curiosity. Others are driven by their professional aspirations.
2.Online learners are effective communicators.The interactions between a teacher and a student are different in online classes; teachers leading online classrooms never get the chance to see a look of confusion on a student’s face, so they do not know that additional explanation is necessary unless a student speaks up and requests it.
3.Online learners posse strong time-management skills. One of the biggest lures of online learning is flexibility. Students are not expected to be in a classroom at a specific time. Instead, they simply log on at a time and place that is convenient for them.
4.Online learners have basic technical skills. Online learners will likely be asked to navigate the internet, use various software programs, utilize email, and create documents in word processing programs. specific to the institution’s system; students are expected to already know how to accomplish basic technology tasks.

5.Online learners are persistent. Challenges happen, but successful online learners do not quit. Whether it is technical problem, an especially challenging topic or a difficulty in balancing their schoolwork with their other responsibilities, they persist. 

Traits of an Effective Online Learner
Effective ways to become a successful online learner

  • Some practical ways students can become global citizens and be a successful online learner 

Practical ways to becoming a Global Citizen

Practical ways to becoming an Online learner :
1.Be persistent
2.Effectively manage your time
3.Set aside time to review and practice what you've learnt
3.Have basic technical skills for everyday online use
4.Be motivated
5.Create a study environment that is suitable for you

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